Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Teaching Thursday Schedule for March and April

Dear Members and Friends of 1stUUPB,

The Teaching Thursdays season reaches a climax in March and the first week of April with a mixture of three  penetrating insights into American foreign policy and two inspiring presentations on tips for personal well being. While the season officially ends with Bob Ashmore’s presentation on April 6, we are tentatively adding two bonus sessions on the two Thursdays in April leading up to the 1stUUPB ANNUAL MEETING on Sunday, April 23.

Here is your Teaching Thursdays schedule for the rest of the season.

March 2  Bob Burns – America’s Decision to Fight in Vietnam: The Historical Blindness of  Reflexive Anti-Communism

The title speaks for itself. Bob, a new 1stUUPB member, will speak with unusual authority on the topic. He was a draftee who served as a sergeant in the Signal Corps in Vietnam from 1969 to 1970. He later became a history professor serving as chairman of the History Department at Choate Rosemary Hall, a New England Prep School.   

March 9   Gus Rubeiz – The Trump approach may not help the Israel/Palestine peace process.
This title also speaks for itself. Gus also brings unusual authority to his topic with his background as a professor of sociology, a career spent negotiating closer relations among the religions of the Middle East, and a native of the region.
March 16  Russell Bourne –Let’s trade ideas. An interactive session with an eminent clinical psychologist about anything and everything.

He’s back. One, of many, highlights of last year’s season was Dr. Bourne’s highly interactive presentation on this topic. He comes to us with his freewheeling conversational take on words, thoughts and ideas.

March 23 Andrew Kahn – Japan and China: Conflict in the East China Sea

Last year’s presentation on China by past 1stUUPB Andrew was another highlight of last year’s Teaching Thursdays season. He’s back with a presentation which covers the relationship between these two countries in terms of (1) the continuing issue of Japanese imperialism in China during the 19th and 20th centuries, (2) conflicts over sovereignty in the East China Sea, (3) their  economic relationships  and (4) their respective military strengths.
March 30  Rich Palermo – A Brief History of the American Labor Movement

Rich will present a fascinating story of  the origins, conflicts, ascendancy and demise of organized labor in the United States.

April 6 Bob Ashmore –  Our Well-Being as We Age: Preserving and Improving our Physical, Mental and Emotional Health.

Bob will share research-based findings with us. Handouts will amplify the presentation on this grand finale of the 2017 Teaching Thursday season.

April 13 and April 20    Annual Meeting Previews

We have set aside these two Thursdays for interactive learning sessions which will enable members to learn more about our Congregation’s future. Our plan is to have the first session deal with present and future financial matters and the second to cover the major non-financial aspects of our Congregational life. However, we have asked our president and the board to make the final decisions regarding the content of these two sessions.

In closing, we want to thank all of this year’s presenters for the insights, entertainment and stimulating thoughts which they shared with us. And thanks to all the rest of you whose participation let the presenters know that their efforts were worthwhile. Thanks, also, to Barbara Hatzfeld for organizing the community meals which preceded the programs and for taking care of scheduling matters.

Rich Palermo and Dick Hattwick

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