Sunday, December 31, 2017

NewsTalk Topics for Jan 7

- what regulations should cover drones?

- should government agencies have prohibited words and phrases?

- the UN Security Council denounces Trump on moving U.S. embassy in Israel

- tax reform or tax hikes?

- should Trump be providing Putin with CIA intelligence?

- should taxpayers be funding payment of harassment claims against congressmen?

- should 1stUUPB develop a plan for dealing with an armed intruder?  -- a gun in the pulpit? an armed guard? several designated members who are armed and spread throughout the sanctuary?  metal detectors at the doors?

Friday, December 29, 2017

Order of Service, December 31, 2017

Prelude: Only Time by Enya
Opening Words
Lighting the Chalice Flame (in unison): (#453) May the light we now kindle inspire us to use 
our powers to heal and not to harm, to help and not to hinder, to bless and not to curse, To serve you, Spirit of Freedom. (Passover Haggadah)

*Hymn #346 Come, Sing a Song with Me
Affirmation (in unison) Love is the spirit of this Congregation and service is its law. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another.

Quiet Time/Meditation

Responsive Reading #558: For Everything A Season
Offertory: Time after Time by Cyndi Lauper 
Sermon: "Chronos and Religion"  Chris Juhl
*Hymn #34 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire
Extinguishing the Chalice Flame (in unison)
We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, o
r the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Words

Postlude: Time is On My Side by The Rolling Stones
Gratitude & Applause
* Please stand in body or spirit
Hearing devices, and envelopes for cash pledges 
are available on the hymnal cart or ask an usher.

This Week
Today: New Year's Eve Potluck 12:00 Noon in Ministers Hall,
Monday: Administration Office closed.
Tuesday-Friday: Administration Office hours  9:30am-12:30pm
Tuesday: Men's Group at La Bamba 6:30pm
Friday: First Friday Film and Pot Luck dinner 6pm  in Ministers Hall.
Saturday: Second Saturday Book Group 10am in the Sanctuary to discuss Homegoing by Yaa
Sunday: News Talk will resume at 9:15am in Ministers Hall.
Thank you to all who contribute to our service
and fellowship hour e
ach week. This week:
·       Guest Speaker: Chris Juhl
·       Music coordinator: Peilin Ko
·       Ushers:
·       Cover art: Larry Stauber
·       Fellowship hour hospitality: All who brought food
And to our permanent staff:
·       Borboro Hatzfeld, office administrator
·       Willie Nelson, sexton.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Book Group Jan 6, 10:30am

Next Book Group Discussion: Saturday, January 6, 10:30, in the Sanctuary

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi 
Published in June 2016

To start the year off in keeping with our times, our 1stUUPB Second Saturday Book Group will be meeting in January on the first Saturday— January 6.  We’ll gather in the Sanctuary at 10:30 to discuss Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi,  a new voice in the literary world.   

By progressing through 300 years of Ghanaian and American history, Gyasi shows consequences of the slave trade by following seven generations of a single family. Every portrait reads like a short story unto itself.

Gyasi, born in Ghana and raised in Huntsville, Alabama, got the idea for this story when she visited Ghana during college. After her family moved to the United States when she was an infant, she had never taken a trip back. Gyasi was struck when she visited the Cape Coast Castle by the idea of African women living in the top levels of the castle as the wives of colonists while others were kept in the dungeon to be sold as slaves. Gyasi used historical accounts written by Africans and African-Americans to center each chapter of the book around important historical moments.

While today we most often think of slavery in the context of its historical and contemporary impact on the United States, slavery began to exist before written history in many cultures, and, according to some, there are still more slaves today than at any previous point in history.

Members, friends, and community people are welcome to these sessions, whether you’ve read the books or not!  We “Read so as to know the world.”   For further information, you may contact Dorie Maxwell at or call her at 561-301-4204.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

MLK Parade, Jan 13th

  Martin Luther King Jr. Parade
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Make Dreams Become Reality
7:45am carpool from church parking lot or meet at parade site at  8amWe will pick up our parade position number on Thurs. Jan. 11th.  Call Bob or Lynn Tomlinson on Friday to find out our position number.  561-304-9530.

If we want to show our Black sisters and brothers that we stand with them in their struggles, one way is to participate in the Martin Luther King Jr. parade in Riviera Beach.

Wear your gold "on the side of love" shirts.

If walking is difficult, you can ride!

Although we will have lots of water, we suggest you also bring your own supply as well as any snacks you might want.
Caps and sunglasses are essential.
If you want to decorate vehicles, drive, etc. please contact your organizers: Bob and Lynn Tomlinson
Email: or    Home: 561-304-9530

Let’s show that 1stUUPB cares!

We will have a bit of a wait at the site, so to make it more pleasant we will supply coffee plus a breakfast snack. You may want to bring a chair for your added comfort.

New Year's Eve events

Following Sunday's New Year's Eve service ("Chronos and Religion") we will be "undecorating" the Sanctuary before proceeding to Ministers Hall for a potluck New Year's luncheon.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

A UU December: last in the series

The image above marks the last in this series which was created by UU minister Ralph Roberts to count down the days in December to Christmas Eve. They were first posted as a UU Advent calendar at WorshipWeb . 

Due to its temporal nature, many of the historic milestones in the series aren't necessarily recognized on the precise day that they're celebrated (for example, Kwanzaa is recognized here on Dec. 2nd instead of Dec. 26th, and the December 12 image recognizes Clara Barton's birthday (Dec. 25, 1821).

More than perfect historic accuracy, then, this Advent calendar is offered in the spirit of holding up and delighting in the ways that our Unitarian and Universalist ancestors had a foundational role in many of the winter holidays and the innumerable ways they're celebrated by people everywhere.

The Rev Ralph Yeager Roberts is also one of the creators of the Montessori-inspired curriculum Spirit Play, which is used by hundreds of UU churches across the U.S. and Canada. As an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister of Religious Education, he led what had been one of the largest children and youth ministry programs at that time and was asked to develop and teach the first course in UU religious education at Andover Newton to satisfy a core requirement for the masters program. 

Friday, December 22, 2017

Order of Service, Christmas Eve

Prelude: One Star (S. Albrecht & J. Althouse)


Lighting the Chalice Flame: (in unison)
We light this chalice on Christmas Eve as we remember the one who has been called the Light of the World. May we learn from the teachings of Jesus not only in this season, but throughout the coming year.

Opening Words

*What Child is This? (see insert)

Offertory: In Dulci Jubilo (E. Crocker)

Reading: Luke 2

Message: The Hope of the Christ Child 

Meditation/Candle Lighting


*Silent Night (see insert)

*Joy to the World (see insert)

Closing Words

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame (in unison) We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Postlude: O Holy Night

Gratitude & Applause
* Please stand in body or spirit
Hearing devices, and envelopes for cash pledges are available on the hymnal cart or ask an usher.

Thank you to all who contribute to our service each week. This week:
Service Leaders:  Rev. Dan & Tess Lambert
Pianist: Peilin Ko
Choral Director: Lynn Pernezny
Cover art: Larry Stauber

This Week
Due to the Holiday, our staff will be working adjusted office hours this                week. Rev. Dan will be in the office Tuesday 2pm-8pm and Thursday 9am-          Noon. His office telephone is 561-627-6106. 
Barbara will be off Monday and Tuesday. She will be back in the office                Wednesday-Friday 9:30am-12:30pm.
Next Sunday: “Chronos and Religion” Chris Juhl. No News Talk on Dec                31st. 
Food Items collected during the offertory are donated to the Lake Park              Food Pantry, 
Shoes and Toiletry Articles collected are donated to the Haitian                          Community.

A UU December: Dec 22nd

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A UU December: Dec 14th

Order of Service, December 17th, 2017


*Hymn #188Come, Come, Whoever You Are


Opening Words

Lighting the Chalice Flame (in unison):
Today, everyone is displaced and homeless. Today, everyone searches for Bethlehem. When the darkness comes so close, We listen in the stillness for the songs of angels. Like shepherds, we aren’t too sure of what is happening. We don’t know why we are so expectant. We don’t know why we long so deeply for miracles. Today, may we see the holy family that we are a part of; and may we hear the music that reminds us of our truest home. We light the chalice for the light which we seek and find in the dark.

*Hymn #123: Spirit of Life

Quiet Time/Meditation/Prayer

Unison Reading #615: The Work of Christmas

*Hymn #228: Once in Royal David’s City

Offertory: I Wonder As I Wander Traditional

Affirmation (in unison) Love is the spirit of this Congregation and service is its law. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another.

Sermon: “We Must Get to Bethlehem” Rev. Carole Yorke

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame (in unison) We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Words

*Hymn #246O Little Town of Bethlehem

Life of the Congregation

Postlude: Light A Candle by Marta Keen

Gratitude & Applause
* Please stand in body or spirit
Hearing devices, and envelopes for cash pledges are available on the hymnal cart or ask an usher.

This Week
Today: Justice Action Ministry Grants Collection.  Social Hour 11:30am in Ministers Hall,
Monday-Friday: Administration Office hours 9:30am-12:30pm
Tuesday: Men’s Wisdom Circle 7pm in the Channing Room
Friday: Art Studio 6pm in Ministers Hall.
Sunday:  News Talk will not be held Dec. 24 or Dec. 31.

Thank you to all who contribute to our service and fellowship hour each week. This week:
Guest Minister: Rev. Carole Yorke
Music coordinator: Peilin Ko
Ushers: Anne Marie & Frank Smith
Cover art: Larry Stauber
Fellowship hour hospitality: Quentin Collins & Lee Godby
And to our permanent staff:
Barbara Hatzfeld, office administrator
Willie Nelson, sexton. 

Next Sunday: “Holiday Singalong” at 10:30am with Bruce Holden; Chrstmas Eve at              6:30pm with Rev. Dan and Tess Lambert.
Rev. Dr. Dan Lambert Office Hours: Tuesday 5pm-8pm and Thursday 9am-Noon. His            office telephone # is 561-627-6106. His e-mail is 
Food Items collected during the offertory are donated to the Lake Park Food Pantry, 
Shoes and Toiletry Articles collected are donated to the Haitian Community.

Rev. Carole Yorke
The Rev. Carole Yorke has been a Unitarian Universalist minister in Florida since 1998, having served Spirit of Life UUs in Odessa, Treasure Coast UUs in Stuart, and 1stUUPB, in between and along with churches she served as a vocational counselor at the Boley Institute in St. Pete and as a Hospice Chaplain in Martin and St. Lucie Counties. Now happily retired, she lives in Port St. Lucie with her five Pomeranians and where she can attend spring training games of the New York Mets, and will preach at any UU church that needs a guest preacher.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Holiday Collection for Staff

It's Holiday Time! We traditionally take a collection for the staff.
Please send or bring your contribution with "Staff Holiday Fund" designation to the office ASAP.
Due to the late request, they will be part of the Dec. 27 payroll.

A UU December: Dec 12th

Sunday, December 10, 2017

NewsTalk Topics for Dec 17th

-  Alabama Senate election - Moore or Jones?

- House-Senate tax bill reconciliation

- Continuing Resolution on government funding

- more sex:  Rep. Alcee Hastings

    - Metropolitan Opera Conductor James Levine

    - who else?

- bring your topics for discussion

NOTE:  There will be no NewsTalk on
Christmas Eve (24th) or New Year's Eve (31st).