Thursday, April 27, 2017

Order of Service for April 30

At the sound of the chime, please join in singing Hymn #188 Come, Come, Whoever You Are

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude: Singing Bowls Meditation
Opening Words
Lighting the Chalice Flame (in unison):
We light this chalice to affirm that new light is ever waiting to break through to enlighten our ways: That new truth is ever waiting to break through to warm our hearts. May we be open to this light, and to the rich possibilities that it brings us.

*Hymn: # 123 Spirit of Life

Candles of Joy and Sorrow and Meditation  


Offertory: Guitar Solo by Ryan Monaghan

Affirmation (in unison) Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another.

For Good performed by Lynn Pernezny

Goodbye Claudia Jimenez

Looking Up by Michael Petruciani performed by Steve LaPointe

Farewell Rev CJ McGregor

What I Did For Love performed by Rebecca Peets

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame (in unison) We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Words

Presentation to Claudia Jimenez
Postlude:  Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head  by Burt Bacharach
Gratitude & Applause
* Please stand in body or spirit
Hearing devices, and envelopes for cash pledges are available on the hymnal cart or ask
an usher.

This Week
Today: Nursery is open at 10:15am.  Harriette Glasner Scholarship lunch 11:30am in Ministers Hall.
Saturday:  Spring Justice Meeting at UCC Ft. Lauderdale 8 am -5 pm.
Sunday:  News Talk 9:15am in Ministers Hall  

Thank you to all who contribute to our service and fellowship hour each week. This week:
·        Chalice Lighter:  Claudia Jimenez
·        Ushers: Vangie Gruen & Nickie Albert
·        Cover Art: Larry Stauber 
           Fellowship Hour Hospitality:  Volunteers

2017 Harriette Glasner Scholarship Recipients: Vandi Allen, Jaanel Berrick, Derquan James, Ako Johnson,  Emma Lehmannn,  Ameein Martin-Preston, Eddie Newton, Grayson Phillips, Shirley Pierre, Brianna Washington.

·        Next Sunday: “Who will make Democracy work?” by Kindra Muntz.
·        Rev. CJ McGregor Office Hours: by appointment (Please call 561-627-6106 ahead) Tuesday- Thursday 9:30am-2pm.
·        Food Items collected during the offertory are donated to the Lake Park Food Pantry,
·        Shoes and Toiletry Articles collected are donated to the Haitian Community.