Monday, November 20, 2017

Gift Cards for Teens/Young Mothers

The Holidays are upon us, so it's time to think of our friends at Children's Home Society.
Again we are collecting gift cards for the teens and young mothers. 
The younger children receive gifts, where the older children are often forgotten.  We provide $10 gift cards from Walmart or Target. These cards will be used to buy gifts they have requested or allow the teens to shop for themselves. Our Congregation has participated in the past several years. Our members have been very generous, and the cards have been greatly appreciated.  Please see Judy Bonner or Sam Irwin, or drop the $10 gift cards in the collection plate on Sunday. Thank You!

A Holiday Tale, to Benefit 1stUUPB

Art Project to Benefit P.E.A.C.E.

New Member Recognition Ceremony — December 3, 2017

New members will be recognized in a ceremony during the service on Sunday, December 3.

For those who have not yet become a member, if you feel you have made a connection and found a spiritual home at 1stUUPB, we invite you take that next step and join us in membership — if you are ready— and participate in this event.  

The final steps toward commitment on the path to membership include completing a New Member Desire to Join form, making a financial pledge and payment to the Congregation, and signing our membership book — which may be done during our recognition ceremony.  Rev. Dan or a Membership Committee member would be glad to meet with you sometime to discuss any of this, if you’d like. 

If you are interested, please contact our Office Administrator Barbara Hatzfeld at (561) 627-6105, and she will have member of our committee contact you. If you have not yet received a Path to Membership folder, you can pick one up in the Narthex before Sunday services from Janet Fryman.  We welcome you!