Thursday, February 1, 2018

UUJEC Webinar Series

UUJEC Webinar Series 
Connect with UUs across the country for TWO Informational, Inspirational Motivational Advocacy Webinars in February you won't want to miss!  

Thursday February 8 @ 8 PM (ET)
“A Conversation
with Chuck Collins”

UUJEC invites you to join us for our February webinar featuring Chuck Collins. As an active member of our Advisory Board, we appreciate Chuck’s enduring commitment to justice and equality and welcome his participation in our webinar series. 
On February 8th, Chuck will describe initiatives cities and communities are carrying out to reverse inequality; from Massachusetts to California.

Chuck Collins, based at the Institute for Policy Studies, writes extensively on inequality. He is the author of 
Born on Third Base A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good.  His previous books include 99 to 1 and Wealth and Our Commonwealth (with Bill Gates Sr.), and his articles and interviews appear in The NationThe American ProspectThe Sun Magazine and numerous other magazines and news outlets, including He has co-founded Wealth for the Common Good (now merged with the Patriotic Millionaires), United for a Fair Economy, Divest-Invest, and many other organizations. 
For webinar details, please visit:  

Thursday February 15 @ 8 PM (ET)  "Organizer's Workshop" 
On April 29 people across the country will be joining the Interfaith March for Peace & Justice to promote equal justice and religious liberty for all. The organizers are excited about the interest and commitment from UUs nationwide and hope to continue the very productive dialogue that began in January.

With less than three months remaining, questions and curiosity may still remain on the nuts and bolts of organizing the event.  On 
February 15th, Columbus March organizers Greg Davis and Michael Greenman will to provide their feedback and resources to help. Whether you are considering getting started or fairly far along in the organizing process, join this important webinar so that as a community we can collaborate, share tips, and bounce ideas off each other.

March Co-sponsors include UUJEC, the UU Peace Ministry Network, Peace Catalyst, North Columbus Friends Meeting, UU Justice Ohio and Safe Alliance of Interfaith Leaders.
For webinar details, please visit: