Friday, September 15, 2017

Order of Service, Sep 17, 2017

Welcome, Announcements

Opening Words
Prelude: Ancient Mother by Robert Gass
Lighting the Chalice Flame (in unison):
We light this chalice for the web of life which sustains us, for the sacred circle of life in which we have our being, for the Earth, the Sky, Above and Below, and for our Mother Earth, and for the Mystery.         - Author: Paul Sprecher

Hymn #38: Morning Has Broken
Affirmation (remain standing, in unison) Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another.

Sermon, Part 1: “Pagan Worldviews”   
Dayan Martinez

Reflection and Offertory: Lady of the Flowing Waters by Robert Gass

Sermon, Part 2: “Mabon, or A Pagan in a Hurricane”      Dayan Martinez

Hymn #21: For the Beauty of the Earth
Extinguishing the Chalice Flame (in unison) We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Words

Life of the Congregation

Gratitude & Applause
Hearing devices, and envelopes for cash pledges are available on the hymnal cart or ask an usher.

This Week
Today: Social Hour 11:30am in Ministers Hall.
Monday:  Administration Office closed
Tuesday: and Wednesday: Administration Office open 9:30am-12:30pm
Tuesday: Board of Trustees meeting 6:30pm in the Channing Room. Black Lives Matter meeting 7pm in the Sanctuary
Thursday: Administration office closed.
Friday: Administration Office open 9:30am-12:30pm. Art Studio 6pm in Ministers Hall.
Sunday:  News Talk 9:15am in Ministers Hall
Sept 24: Congregation Wide Picnic 11:30 in Ministers Hall.

Thank you to all who contribute to our service and fellowship hour each week. This week:
·        Guest speaker: Dayan Martinez
·        Chalice lighter:
·       Music Coordinator: Peilin Ko
·        Ushers:
·        Cover art: Dayan Martinez 
         Fellowship hour hospitality: Members of Palm Beach Pagans
      ...and to our permanent staff:
·        Barbara Hatzfeld, office administrator
·        Willie Nelson, sexton.

·        Next Sunday: “Right to Die” Bill Schoolman
       Congregation Wide Picnic 11:30am
·        Food Items collected during the offertory are donated to the Lake Park Food Pantry,
·        Shoes and Toiletry Articles collected are donated to the Haitian Community.