Tuesday, February 6, 2018

New UU Orientation March 3

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of the Palm Beaches 
635 Prosperity Farms Road, North Palm Beach FL 33408

New UU Orientation

On Saturday, March 3, 2018, we are offering a morning seminar in the sanctuary called New UU from 9:00 am until 12:30 pm, followed by lunch with our leaders, for those who wish to stay.   This program will provide an introduction to Unitarian Universalism –an overview of our principles, values, and history, and also to the workings of our own Congregation –all information that can be helpful to new members, to persons contemplating membership, or even to current members who seek a better understanding of our basics.

Participants will meet others who are new to the congregation, get to know some of our congregational members and leaders, and have questions answered in a small group setting.  Throughout the morning we’ll also take tours of the nooks and crannies of our buildings.

Childcare will be available if you let us know at least one week in advance.  Pre-registration is required, so please email the office at uniuni2@att.net by Tuesday, February 27th, if you would like to join us. When registering, please provide your name, email, phone number, and mailing address. Let us know if you will be able to stay for lunch.

If you have questions about any of this or would like more information about the seminar, you can call the church at 561-627-6105 or speak with any Membership Committee volunteer.

We hold these seminars twice a year — in the spring and fall, so if you’re interested in this seminar but not able (or ready) to attend on March 3, we will be offering it again in November, 2018.

This seminar is sponsored by our Membership committee:  Gail Burwell,      Gary Evans, Janet Fryman, Brian Johnson, Dorie Maxwell and Betsy Shipley.

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