Sunday, December 24, 2017

A UU December: last in the series

The image above marks the last in this series which was created by UU minister Ralph Roberts to count down the days in December to Christmas Eve. They were first posted as a UU Advent calendar at WorshipWeb . 

Due to its temporal nature, many of the historic milestones in the series aren't necessarily recognized on the precise day that they're celebrated (for example, Kwanzaa is recognized here on Dec. 2nd instead of Dec. 26th, and the December 12 image recognizes Clara Barton's birthday (Dec. 25, 1821).

More than perfect historic accuracy, then, this Advent calendar is offered in the spirit of holding up and delighting in the ways that our Unitarian and Universalist ancestors had a foundational role in many of the winter holidays and the innumerable ways they're celebrated by people everywhere.

The Rev Ralph Yeager Roberts is also one of the creators of the Montessori-inspired curriculum Spirit Play, which is used by hundreds of UU churches across the U.S. and Canada. As an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister of Religious Education, he led what had been one of the largest children and youth ministry programs at that time and was asked to develop and teach the first course in UU religious education at Andover Newton to satisfy a core requirement for the masters program.