Monday, October 16, 2017

Last Call for Cluster Annual Meeting

Last Call 
for the UU FL SE Cluster Annual Meeting 2017 in Stuart   

Thinking – and Living – Outside the Bubblewith the Rev. Carlton Elliott Smith.

Some of us are given “acceptance“ and “value“ due to our skin color. We move through life in a veritable “bubble“ that buffers us from the scars of separation that others suffer on a daily basis. This “bubble“ feels like protection, yet it isolates us from deeper understanding and heartfelt relationships. 
Join this dynamic session as we explore how to live “Outside the Bubble.“

The Rev. Carlton Elliott Smith is one of nine members of the Congregational Life Staff serving the UUA‘s Southern Region.  Last August at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA, Rev. Smith stood for justice. 

The meeting will be on Saturday, October 21, 2017, from 10am to 3:30pm at theTreasure Coast Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 21 SE Central Parkway, Stuart, FL 34994

$20 per person, $10 Young Adult Registration [up to age 25] until midnight Wednesday, October 18 by PayPal registration:

At the door $25; $10 Young Adult Registration [up to age 25]

Registration includes Lunch and Continental Breakfast
Afternoon Workshop “Dynamics of Congregational Change“ also with Rev. Smith

Message from Roberta Crawford Morency

Claude and I miss our friends at UU. They might like to know that my limerick was published in Oct-Nov Progressive Magazine in Letters to the Editor.

There once was a man in a tower
Who lusted for more and more power
He ran - was elected
Though most unexpected
Now we laugh through our tears with Bill Maher

Greetings to all
Roberta Crawford Morency=

Dan Lambert Selected as Ministerial Leader


On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am delighted to announce that Dan Lambert has accepted our offer to be part-time Ministerial Leader for the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches from November 2017 to April 2018.

Dan will serve on a part-time basis:
·      Delivering an average of two services a month
·      Providing pastoral care for Members and Friends of the Congregation and coordinating the activities of the lay pastoral care team
·      Leading Religious Education and Youth activities, helping to re-establish an active RE/Youth program
·      Attending meetings of the Board of Trustees

Dan will support but not be directly responsible for:
·      Supervising employees
·      Social Justice activities
·      Membership Development
·      Engaging in community activities
Dan has some very exciting news about his ministerial journey. The UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee has accepted Dan’s M.Div. equivalency request without condition and has officially approved his aspirant status. Dan is now an Aspirant Minister. Dan plans to complete the aspirant portion of preparation for fully fellowshipped ministry with the UUA, including an internship for which his role as 1stUUPB Ministerial Leader will be a vital part.

Dan is a Friend of this Congregation. The Board voted to suspend the policy of not paying Members and Friends for their Service to allow for Dan’s appointment. The six-month contract may be extended into 2018-19 if the Congregation, the Board of Trustees, and Dan agree.

The search for a settled minister continues and the application package will be sent to the UUA by early November.

Please join me in welcoming Dan as 1stUUPB Ministerial Leader.

Paul G Ward
President, Board of Trustees

October 15, 2017