Friday, October 20, 2017

Order of Service, Oct 22, 2017


*Hymn #298 Wake, Now, My Senses

Welcome/ Announcements

Opening Words

Lighting the Chalice Flame (in unison):
As we light the chalice, an expression of joining ourselves in the warmth of our community and fellowship, in oneness, to dispel the darkness from our mind and body and soul. We rejuvenate and rekindle the assurance of God’s love and the strengthening of ourselves with Divine grace and participate in this hour of worship and adoration, humbling our humanness and bringing New Hope along with the illuminating Chalice.

*Hymn #16 Tis a Gift to Be Simple

Affirmation (in unison) Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another.

Story for All Ages: The Water Bearer’s Garden, by Betsy Hill Williams          

Offering/Candle Lighting

Offertory: A Nightingale Sang At Barkley Square, by Manning Sherwin

Reading: Soul Lifts by Tess Baumberger

Guided Meditation

Sermon:  Who Do You Think You Are?  David Traupman

*Hymn #108 My Life Flows On in Endless Song

Closing Words/Responsive Reading #534 Gloria!

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame (in unison) We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Postlude: True Colors  by Cyndi Lauper, Vangie Gruen, soloist 
Gratitude & Applause
* Please stand in body or spirit
Hearing devices, and envelopes for cash pledges are available on the hymnal cart or ask an usher.

This Week
Today: Social Hour 11:30am in Ministers Hall.
Monday-Friday: Administration Office hours 9:30am-12:30pm
Tuesday: Black Lives PBC General Meeting 7pm in the Sanctuary. Flyers in Ministers Hall
Wednesday: Art Studio 2pm in Ministers Hall
Friday: Art Studio 6pm in Ministers Hall
Saturday: Food Gang Halloween Party 6pm in Ministers Hall
Sunday:  News Talk at 9:15am in Ministers Hall  

Thank you to all who contribute to our service and fellowship hour each week. This week:
·        Guest speaker: David Traupman
·        Story for All Ages: Amy Stauber
·        Music coordinator: Peilin Ko
·        Ushers: Pat Knight and Larry Stauber
·        Cover art: Larry Stauber 
          Fellowship hour hospitality:  Amy Stauber
 And to our permanent staff:
·        Barbara Hatzfeld, office administrator
·        Willie Nelson, sexton.

David Traupman, a new congregation member who recently moved from Miami with his partner Jesse and daughter Faith, will reflect on how shifting your self perception can expand engagement with others. He has been involved in congregational leadership as a member of UU Miami and in his hometown of Philadelphia for the past 15 years.

·        Next Sunday: “Halloween/All Saints/All Souls/ Dia de los Muertos/Samhain” Amy Stauber
·        Food Items collected during the offertory are donated to the Lake Park Food Pantry,
·        Shoes and Toiletry Articles collected are donated to the Haitian Community.

Mountain Autumn Updates

Autumn Updates From The Mountain
October 19, 2017

Fall has arrived at The Mountain and Many Hands Peace Farm! As the leaves change colors and the weather cools, the farm has been preparing for a productive month of October. 

Lettuce, turnips, beets, Asian greens, garlic, and kale are being planted. Beans, basil, various cherry tomatoes, San Marzano tomatoes, winter squash, and pumpkins are being harvested. 

More than 500 pounds of delicious organic apples have been harvested from two locations in the Highlands area. The owners of the trees have graciously allowed us to harvest their fruit in exchange for a selection of the farm's homemade apple products. This includes freshly pressed apple juice, apple sauce, apple butter, dehydrated apple chips, muffins, and apple cider vinegar made from the discarded cores. 

Our apple goods as well as other farm produce have been integrated into our guests' dining experience. Guests enjoy farm-fresh foods such as roasted tomato sauce with herbs, kale and basil pesto, roasted green beans, microgreens, nasturtium greens and edible flowers, and zucchini chocolate muffins. Yum!

The farm has also been experimenting with new products outside the kitchen such as essential oils, bath bombs, and air fresheners. Utilizing the abundance of white pine on Little Scaly Mountain, the distillation process involves a pressure cooker to boil and cool the needles. The distilled oil is used to create essential oil and scented water. After a successful first attempt, our process will be perfected and expanded to make more oils from mint, oregano, lemon balm, and various other herbs. 

The essential oils and other products will be sold via The Mountain Store and online through our new Etsy storeincluding the Mushrooms on the Mountain 2018 calendar created by Joey Kyle. The calendar includes colorful photographs of edible and non-edible mushrooms that grow on Little Scaly Mountain. 

Joey Kyle has also been recently certified as a mushroom forager recognized by the states of NC, GA, and SC. Kyle can forage in national forests for 22 types of edible mushrooms which can be sold to restaurants, Mountain customers, or used in the kitchen. Having this certification will be a boon for upcoming foraging tours on The Mountain. 
Farm Managers Ben Galindo & Joey Kyle

Alyssa Fuller, Mountain staffer and entomologist, conducted a pollinator survey in the meadow area as a part of our Feed A Bee grant project. Various bees were collected, identified, photographed, and released for the purpose of gathering information about the bee population at the farm. These data and Kevin Fitzpatrick's photos of the process can be seen on iNaturalist.

Food Forest update: Permaculture consultant Zev Friedman came for a second visit with staff to discuss future planning and goals of the forest. Friedman discussed plans of the layout, vegetation, and the possibility of incorporating animals in the space to reduce human labor needs A construction of the gateway for the entrance of food forest has been built using black locust posts, entering a new stage for the development of the forest and our beautiful mountain.

Many thanks for your ongoing support of the Many Hands Peace Farm and The Mountain!

~The Farm Team

Mountain Program Highlights

Registration is now under way for many of these upcoming programs and group retreats. MountainCamp registration begins on November 1st. Click the link for each program below for more information.

Fall Youth CONferencesNovember 3 - December 3

Happy New Year's GatheringDecember 29 - January 1

Spring Youth CONferencesMarch 2 - 18

Creating Heart Space in These Turbulent TimesMarch 16- 18  (NEW program!)

Work Weekend & Easter ProgramMarch 30 - April 1

Music Week 2018April 1- 6

From Sustainability to Climate Justice, May 20 - 25  (NEW program!)

MountainCamps 2018, June 10 - 21

Your Generosity Makes the Difference!

Your donations to The Mountain's Annual Fund make up about one quarter of our annual operating budget. These gifts supplement our program revenue, enabling us to cover unanticipated costs, accomplish additional projects, and keep our costs affordable for many guests and camper families. 

Your generosity and support make it possible for The Mountain to be the welcoming, memorable place that people of all ages love and value. As part of our efforts to make our 2017 funding goal, you will be hearing from us. We will be asking for your financial support by year-end. Here are a few opportunities and incentives to inspire your generosity in the coming weeks....
  • Donors giving $250-$499 between now and Dec. 31st will receive a set of
10 Mountain note cards featuring the scenic beauty of this magical place.
  • Donors giving $500 or more between now and Dec. 31st will receive our new Mushrooms on the Mountain 2018 calendar (described above!). 
Make an 
online gift on November 28th 

in celebration of The Mountain and the spirit of generosity that #GivingTuesday promotes globally.
  • Make a gift to The Mountain in honor or memory of a special person--provide their contact info and we will let them or their loved ones know a gift has been made in their honor.
  • Set up a new recurring monthly gift through your bank bill pay system or online via our PayPal system.
  • Participate in our Gift Basket Silent Auction event which begins in mid-November and culminates on Thanksgiving weekend (bidding ends 9:00 AM on Saturday, Nov. 25th). To support this effort, you could donate a themed gift basket and/or bid on one. Online bidding will be publicized once we get enough basket submissions to showcase. 
For this auction event, there will be Mountain, Many Hands Peace Farm, and Highlands gift baskets, as well as a variety of creative themes and specialty items: beach vacations, wine, craft beer, craft hobbies, and more. If you would like to donate a basket or special items, contact our Development Staff. Watch our Facebook pagewebsite, and email communications for updates and bidding information. Thank you!


The Mountain Retreat & Learning Center, 3872 Dillard Road,P.O. Box  1299, Highlands, NC 28741