Tuesday, December 26, 2017

MLK Parade, Jan 13th

  Martin Luther King Jr. Parade
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Make Dreams Become Reality
7:45am carpool from church parking lot or meet at parade site at  8amWe will pick up our parade position number on Thurs. Jan. 11th.  Call Bob or Lynn Tomlinson on Friday to find out our position number.  561-304-9530.

If we want to show our Black sisters and brothers that we stand with them in their struggles, one way is to participate in the Martin Luther King Jr. parade in Riviera Beach.

Wear your gold "on the side of love" shirts.

If walking is difficult, you can ride!

Although we will have lots of water, we suggest you also bring your own supply as well as any snacks you might want.
Caps and sunglasses are essential.
If you want to decorate vehicles, drive, etc. please contact your organizers: Bob and Lynn Tomlinson
eaglebob1942@yahoo.com or tomlinson.lynn@gmail.com    Home: 561-304-9530

Let’s show that 1stUUPB cares!

We will have a bit of a wait at the site, so to make it more pleasant we will supply coffee plus a breakfast snack. You may want to bring a chair for your added comfort.

New Year's Eve events

Following Sunday's New Year's Eve service ("Chronos and Religion") we will be "undecorating" the Sanctuary before proceeding to Ministers Hall for a potluck New Year's luncheon.