Thursday, January 5, 2017

JAM Teaching Thursday, Jan 12

January 12 Important JAM Teaching Thursday


6pm Dinner, prepared by our own extraordinary chef Henry Gruen who will make his famous pulled pork, to be served with all the fixins’. Call the office with your reservations by Wednesday, January 11 at 2pm. $10 per person

7pm Teaching Thursday: Let’s consider the following questions together:

Will we endorse the UUA Black Lives Matter movement Action of Immediate Witness?

Will we start a Showing Up for Racial Justice chapter?

Will we declare our campus a Sanctuary for Dreamers if they are threatened with deportation?  

We will discuss all these proposals and answer your questions. This is your chance to learn and ask questions in preparation for voting on Sunday, January 29, when we will vote as a Congregation on all three important issues.

Your JAM team unanimously endorses all three, and
urges you to attend the Teaching Thursday session to
learn more, and the Congregational assembly to vote.

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

The 1stUUPB JUSTICE ACTION MINISTRY will address the issue of VOTER SUPPRESSION with a film and discussion, SATURDAY, JAN 21, 1-3pm in Ministers Hall

The film is the widely acclaimed The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by noted investigative reporter Greg Palast. The movie is a very informative look at the myth behind America's beloved right to vote. In the beginning of our country only white males who owned property could vote. Over the centuries the franchise has widened. But voter suppression efforts continue. They are more sophisticated and arise from the fundamentally anti-democratic and racist beliefs which were present at the beginning of our republic. What can UUs do about this affront to our seven principles? Join the discussion after the movie, on January 21, from 1 to 3pm in Ministers Hall.

Rev CJ's Hours


I'm making a change in my office hours for the remainder of my time here. I will be on-site Tuesday through Thursday from 9:30am-2pm. Outside of those hours I will schedule home/hospital visits and other appointments. 

I'm always available by phone. Please think about stopping in or scheduling some time together before my departure. 

Blessings, CJ