Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tour of the Norton

Natalie Lederer will give a tour of the Norton “Recognition of the Art of Women –Svenja Deininger- Second Chances, First Impressions” on February 15 at 10:30am. This is the sixth in a row of the RAW series. Call Natalie at 561-790-5981 by Sunday, Feb 12th to reserve a spot.

The Light of Truth

Sunday, Feb 5 -- The Light of Truth, led by Rev. CJ McGregor

This month we will focus on our Congregation and it's annual pledge campaign.  One reason, among many, to support 1stUUPB is that here you will find one of the remaining places to be with fellow seekers.  The programs, the ministries, the fellowship -- all lead us to the light of truth.