Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Coffee Coven, Feb 12

Palm Beach Pagans invites you to our one-year anniversary of Coffee Coven on Sunday, February 12th, from 1 to 3pm:

We believe that forging a community around the ideas of support and inclusiveness can help us weather any crises. United, we help each other grow. In this Coffee Coven, we celebrate our one year anniversary of taking those first steps and nurturing the connections that sustain us within the First Universalist Unitarian Congregation of the Palm Beaches. Come share coffee/tea/snacks and learn about 1stUUPB, which has hosted us this past year, led by Rev CJ himself. 

Let us take the time to celebrate inclusiveness and learn a bit of cultural history from a unique lens.

As always, snacks and beverages to share are welcome and appreciated. Remember to bring non-perishable foods for the ongoing 1stUUPB food drive.

We cannot wait to see you all there!

Pastoral Care Training Scheduled

Rev. CJ and Claudia Jimenez will be rebuilding the pastoral care team over the next few months.  Richard Palermo has been on the team since last year.  Terry Last and Paul Ward have expressed their willingness to be on the team.  We will look for one more person providing all listed here are willing to serve.

Richard Keelan, Claudia, and Rev. CJ will be offering training to the team:

February 28, 4pm  Fuller Room
CJ and Claudia will offer a structure and process for the program.  Richard will be offering training on identifying pathology versus acute issues and situations, identifying when it is time to call the minister and need for referral, and contracting for safety.

March 21, 4pm Fuller Room
CJ will review active listening and our process of making the congregation aware of needs, and volunteers. Claudia will review self care. We will all answer questions you may have and present and discuss scenarios you may discover as you minister.

April 18, 4pm Fuller Room
Claudia will review the religious component of pastoral care.  CJ will discuss death and bereavement.  Richard will discuss knowing your limits, confidentiality, and family systems.

Rev. CJ McGregor, Minister
First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches

Congregational Assembly, Jan 29

Members of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches,

You are invited to a Special Meeting of the Congregation to be held in the Sanctuary on Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 12.30pm. This meeting has been called in accordance with our by-laws and called and approved by five members of the Board of Trustees. Only members of the Congregation are entitled to vote at this meeting.

Two resolutions will be presented:

Motion One: Resolution to Support DACA and Declare 1stUUPB Grounds a Sanctuary for “Dreamers” Threatened with Deportation

Motion 1: To approve a resolution in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the DACA program, which protects undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children (also known as "Dreamers"), and declare the 1stUUPB grounds a sanctuary for those currently eligible for DACA's protection and who would seek refuge and safety from deportation.

Larry Stauber will present the background to this motion. The President of the Board of Trustees will then ask for a member to propose the motion and for another member to second the motion. Then there will be time for members to share their views on the motion before a vote is called. You will be able to vote: Yes, No, or Abstain.

Motion Two: Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

Motion: To approve a resolution that members of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches support the Black Lives Matter Movement as stated in the UUA 2015 Action of Immediate Witness.

More information may be found at:

Judy Bonner will present the background to this motion. The President of the Board of Trustees will then ask for a member to propose the motion and for another member to second the motion. Then there will be time for members to share their views on the motion before a vote is called. You will be able to vote: Yes, No, or Abstain.


Please plan to attend this meeting. A quorum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Voting Members of the Congregation must be present to vote on these motions.

Thank you for your support of the Justice Action Ministry of our Congregation.

Paul G. Ward
President, Board of Trustees