Monday, September 18, 2017

Life of the Congregation, Sep 17, 2017

We are grateful that we all survived Irma. Despite the many inconveniences we have suffered it seems like nothing compared to those in the Glades and the Keys who have lost their homes. If you are aware of any of our Congregation who may have experienced such losses, please let me know.

A big thank you to Ben Juhl, Willie Nelson, and Janet Fryman for their work in securing this campus against the hurricane and Willie for cleaning up afterwards.

Please remember our Endowment Fund. Several members of our congregation have made small gifts to our endowment in memory of Marilyn Helgason. Those gifts become part of the Permanent Endowment where in a small but meaningful way they keep Marilyn’s legacy alive. 

If this is something you feel moved to do, please send a check to the office and make it clear that your intent is to have the money placed in the Permanent Endowment in memory of Marilyn Helgason. Unless you advise otherwise, Marilyn’s family will be notified of your gift. That’s just one more way the family can be made aware of how much Marilyn meant to and was loved by members of our Congregation. 

The search for a settled minister continues and the application package will be sent to the UUA in November. The Board of Trustees and the Ministerial Selection team will be meeting at the end of the month to ensure alignment on our requirements.

The sub-committee of the Board continues its search for a contract minister. I hope to have more news about that in the coming weeks.

I want to say something about Barbara Hatzfeld and have her permission to do so. Barbara has breast cancer and has an appointment with her doctor on September 18th where she will learn more about her treatment plan. Please hold Barbara in your thoughts and prayers.   

Thank you all for your support of the Board of Trustees and your active participation in the committees and Congregational activities. Please reach out if I can help in any way.

Paul G Ward

President, Board of Trustees