Lighting the Chalice Flame: Elizabeth Shine (in unison)
Fire consumes, and casts a bright light. May our chalice flame consume our regrets for the past, our fears about our future, and our worries about today. May it light for us a path of joy and peace.
Prelude: Blood Brothers by Ingres Michaelson
Opening Words: Principle 1- Chris Juhl
The inherent worth and dignity of every person
Meditation and Candle Lighting
Principle 2- Pat Knight
Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
Principle 3 – Amy Stauber
Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
*Hymn #203: All Creatures of the Earth and Sky
Offertory: Improv on a well-known hymn by Bruce Holden
Affirmation (in unison) Love is the spirit of this Congregation and service is its law. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another.
Principle 4 - Jesse Walters
A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
Principle 5 - Nickie Albert
The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
*Hymn #128: For All That Is Our Life
Principle 6 - Barbara Hatzfeld
The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
Principle 7 - David Traupman
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part
Extinguishing the Chalice Flame (in unison) We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.
Closing Words
Postlude: For Good from Wicked
Gratitude & Applause
* Please stand in body or spirit
Hearing devices, and envelopes for cash pledges are available on the hymnal cart or ask an usher.
This Week
Today: Social Hour 11:30am in Ministers Hall, Council meeting at noon in the Channing Room. UU Pagans coffee 1pm in Ministers Hall
Monday-Friday: Administration Office hours 9:30am-12:30pm
Tuesday: Board of Trustees meeting 6:30pm in the Channing Room
Thursday Catered Dinner at 6pm in Minsters Hall. Rev. Dan Lambert presents “Important Spiritual Thinkers of History- Jesus” at 7pm in Ministers Hall.
Friday: Art Studio 6pm in the Channing Room. Buddhist Rental- Today to Next Friday.
Saturday: MLK Parade in Riviera Beach.
Sunday: News Talk at 9:15am in Ministers Hall.
Thank you to all who contribute to our service and fellowship hour each week. This week:
• Guest speakers: Nickie Albert and friends
• Music coordinator: Peilin Ko
• Cover art: Larry Stauber
• Fellowship Hour hospitality: Shirley Bloomquist
• Next Sunday: “Our First Principle”, Rev. Dan Lambert
• Rev. Dr. Dan Lambert Office Hours: Tuesday 5pm-8pm and Thursday 9am-Noon. His office telephone # is 561-627-6106. His e-mail is
• Food Items collected during the offertory are donated to the Lake Park Food Pantry,
• Shoes and Toiletry Articles collected are donated to the Haitian Community.
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