Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2017 ACLU Annual Meeting & Harriete S. Glasner Award Ceremony

Please join us for the 2017 ACLU Annual Meeting and an afternoon of light refreshments as we celebrate the 2017 Harriette S. Glasner Freedom Award Recipient, the Honorable Moses Baker, Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County.

The meeting and ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 12, 2017 from 2 to 4pm at the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties, 700 S. Dixie Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33401 

For questions and to RSVP, contact pbc.aclu@gmail.com
For decades, Judge Moses Baker  has devoted special attention to improving the juvenile justice system and ending the school-to-prison pipeline. He has been a consistent voice in the fight to advocate for resources for at-risk youth in Palm Beach County by providing alternative and pre-arrest diversion programs for common youth misbehavior.
The afternoon will also feature a keynote address from Kirk Bailey, political director of the ACLU of Florida, on the theme “Challenges to the ACLU in 2017.”
The annual meeting and award ceremony is free and open to the public, but you must RSVP to pbc.aclu@gmail.com.


The Harriette S. Glasner Freedom Award is presented for “Lifelong Devotion to Civil Liberties” by the Palm Beach Chapter of the ACLU of Florida.
It was first given in 1994, and its recipients include former Congressmen Harry Johnston, anti-death penalty advocate Richard Greene, attorney Frank Kreidler, attorney William Holland (who led the fight to de-segregate Palm Beach County schools), and Senior Circuit Judge Edward Rogers.


Judge Baker is a 1973 Magna Cum Laude graduate of Florida A&M University and of the University of Florida College of Law. During his law school career, Judge Baker received the prestigious American Jurisprudence Award (Book Award) for Evidence II.
Judge Baker has presented numerous speeches and lectures through the United States and currently serves on the faculty for the Prosecutor/Public Defender Training Program and Trial Advocacy Seminar held at the University of Florida College of Law.  Judge Baker has also served on the faculty of the National College of Advocacy of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America. In 1993, Judge Baker was recognized as an Advocate by the National College of Advocacy.  In 1994, he became a member of the Board of Directors at the Florida Chapter of the Associates of Family Conciliation Court.
Judge Baker, throughout his life, has been extremely active in the affairs of his community and has held leadership positions in the following organizations: Urban League of Palm Beach County, Vision Teen Parenting Foundation, Boys & Girls Club of West Palm Beach, Goodwill Industries, Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties and served on the Advisory Board of Directors of the Boys Scouts of America.
Judge Baker has received numerous awards and recognition for his work in his community, including but not limited to the following: Outstanding Achievement Award presented by Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Community Service Award presented by Tabernacle Baptist Church, Recognition Award presented by Minority Law Enforcement Council, Recognition Award of Appreciation presented by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Award for Outstanding Services from the Guardian ad Litem statewide program (Florida), and Community Relations Award for providing alternative students with various choices to learning styles from the Black Educators Caucus of Palm Beach County.  He is a recipient of the Trail Blazer Award for his service to the children of Palm Beach County and the 2014 Jurist of the Year presented by the South Palm Beach County Bar Association.

Monday, February 27, 2017

2017 1stUUPB Community Grant Application

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches
Community Grant Application

The Justice Action Ministry of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches has authorized a limited number of grants to meet needs in Palm Beach County not currently being met.

These grants can be up to $500 and may be granted to not-for-profit organizations or individuals that address pressing needs in our local community.  Organizations with budgets under $250,000 will receive first priority.

The grant application must be submitted by a member or friend of our Congregation who has direct knowledge of the need described.  This member or friend will be responsible for obtaining documentation of how the grant is used and submitting it to the Grant Committee.

I.   Member or friend submitting the application_________________________________
Email address_________________________________________________________

II. Organization or individual nominated to receive grant         ______________________________________________________________________

III. Mission Statement or Goals (Please attach)

IV. Total Budget ____________________________________________

V. Contact information for organization or individual
       Florida Address _____________________________________________________
        Phone number_______________________________________________________

VI. Purpose of the Grant including how money will be allocated and what population will be served. (The more specific, the better) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VII. How will the applicant verify the use of the money?  (E.g. invoices, receipts, other)
 Please describe. ________________________________________________________________________

VIII. Amount needed up to $500 ______________________

 IX. If approved how should checks be made out and delivered? ________________________________________________________________________

Application accepted through March 31, 2017


Submit to: Congregational Grants to the Community c/o Justice Action Ministry
First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches
635 Prosperity Farms Road
North Palm Beach FL 33408
561-627-6105    uniuni2@att.net

Address any questions to Grant Committee members:
Brian Johnson at briankj@bellsouth.net
Jan Morris at newpassages@earthlink.com 
Barbara Moszynski at bmoszynski@yahoo.com
Bob Shipley at bob241176@excite.com

Barbara Woodworth at barwood2@roadrunner.com

*** Copies of the Grant Application can also be found at the 1stUUPB web page, can be picked up at the 1stUUPB Office, and are available from Grant Committee members.

NewsTalkTopics for Sunday, March 5

- Trump's Tuesday, February 28, speech to joint session of Congress -- watch it

- media relations with the Trump Administration

- the Administration's plans for immigration/deportation

- a reversal on trans-gender rights

- finally, a National Security Advisor in the White House 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Justice Saturday at UUCFL, May 6

The UU FL SE Cluster presents: JUSTICE SATURDAY 2017
May 6, 2017, 9:45am - 3:45pm

• Should the Electoral College be changed and what are the options? Is the Electoral College undemocratic? Does one-person, one-vote apply?
• How will passing a constitutional amendment providing that the rights extended by the U.S. Constitution are the rights of natural persons only and not corporations, promote UU work for justice?
• How do we end racism? How do we democratize and transform oppressive systems?

Timothy Canova, Constitutional Law Professor. Nova Southeastern Univ.
Kindra Muntz, President, UU Justice Florida
Betty Brantley, Black Lives Matter Alliance Broward

Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft. Lauderdale, 3970 NW 21 Avenue, Oakland Park, FL 33309  www.uucfl.org

$20 per person in advance by mail to register. Please mail check, payable to UU FL SE Cluster, to Kathy Jens-Rochow, 1420 SW 13 St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312-3322

Registration includes lunch and continental breakfast

PayPal registration http://uuflorida.org/justice/ 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Teaching Thursday, Feb 23

February 23

Community Dinner, 6pm, Ministers Hall, catered by CR Chicks
Wood Fired Rotisserie Chicken
Horseradish Smashed Potatoes
Caesar Salad
Home Made Bread 
Cookies & Ice Cream
Donation requested $10 (surplus goes to 1stUUPB).
Reservations requested by 2pm Wednesday, Feb 22 to Barbara at 561-627-6105 or uniuni2@att.net.

Program, 7pm, Guest Speaker C.B. Hanif
Islam: An American Faith Tradition
Our founding fathers envisioned the Muslims and Islam to be part of the American landscape and there were serious discussions about the freedom of religion, liberty and justice for all in America including Muslims. Professor Denise Spellberg, a specialist in Islamic history, has written a book called "Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an: Islam and the Founders". After reading this book, any honest historian would have to accept the fact that America was founded on Judeo-Christian and Islamic thought.

Sunday Service, Feb 19

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Harriet Glasner Scholarships

In 2014 a 1stUUPB member donated funds to be used to provide Harriet Glasner Scholarships to graduating high school seniors in Palm Beach County who choose to enroll in public or private colleges and trade schools.  Out of our commitment to economic justice, the scholarships are offered to students without any restrictions placed on eligibility. However, those students who have demonstrated involvement in social justice work, can articulate a plan for future social justice work, and those with financial need will receive specific consideration. To find out more and download a scholarship application, go to http://1stuupb.org/home/justice-overview/harriet_glasner_scholarship/

Drew Davis To Moderate NewsTalk

Drew Davis will be moderating NewsTalk on Sunday, February 19 and 26.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Our Whole Lives, for Adults

Spirituality & Sexuality
Just as there is a connection between body and spirit, there is a connection between spirituality and sexuality. Yet, despite living in such a highly sexualized society, we rarely talk about it. Starting this month, we will explore that connection. 1stUUPB will offer it's first adult Our Whole Lives program, facilitated by Rev. McGregor and Claudia Jimenez. Join us to examine our theology about sexuality, and the role faith communities have in promoting and providing sexuality education that values inclusivity, justice, self worth and responsibility. This Sunday, led by Claudia Jimenez.

Monday, February 6, 2017

New UU Seminar Offered

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of the Palm Beaches 
635 Prosperity Farms Road, North Palm Beach FL 33408
New UU

On Saturday, March 4, we are offering a morning seminar in the Sanctuary called New UU from 9am until 12:30pm, followed by lunch with our leaders, for those who wish to stay.   This program will provide an introduction to Unitarian Universalism -- an overview of our principles, values, and history, and also to the workings of our own Congregation -- all information that can be helpful to new members, to persons contemplating membership, or even to current members who seek a better understanding of our basics.

Participants will meet others who are new to the Congregation, spend time with Rev. CJ McGregor, get to know some of our members and leaders, and have questions answered in a small group setting.  Throughout the morning we’ll also take tours of the nooks and crannies of our buildings.

Childcare will be available if you let us know at least one week in advance.  Pre-registration is required, so please notify program coordinator Dorie Maxwell at doriemaxwell@mac.com by Wednesday, March 1, if you would like to join us. When registering, please provide your name, email, phone number, and mailing address.

If you have questions about any of this or would like more information about the seminar, you can see Dorie at church or call her at 561-694-9557.

We hold these seminars twice a year— in the spring and fall, so if you’re interested, but not able (or ready) to attend on March 4, we will be offering it again on November 4.

The seminar is sponsored by the 1stUUPB Membership Committee.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

NewsTalk Topic for 2/12/17

An essay question:  come prepared to share your opinions on the policies and actions that the Trump administration has taken in its first three weeks – what do you like and what do you find of concern?  Be specific and give examples.  You may use more than one bluebook for your answer.  You may bring written notes, but no printed materials.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tour of the Norton

Natalie Lederer will give a tour of the Norton “Recognition of the Art of Women –Svenja Deininger- Second Chances, First Impressions” on February 15 at 10:30am. This is the sixth in a row of the RAW series. Call Natalie at 561-790-5981 by Sunday, Feb 12th to reserve a spot.

The Light of Truth

Sunday, Feb 5 -- The Light of Truth, led by Rev. CJ McGregor

This month we will focus on our Congregation and it's annual pledge campaign.  One reason, among many, to support 1stUUPB is that here you will find one of the remaining places to be with fellow seekers.  The programs, the ministries, the fellowship -- all lead us to the light of truth.